The State of the Art of Digital Radio In Pennsylvania...

Hotspots: What Frequency Should I Use?

DMR Simplex freqs suitable for hotspots.  MONITOR your chosen frequency to ensure it is clear before using it.

  • 441.000 
  • 441.025
  • 446.500
  • 446.075
  • 433.450
  • 440.925 – 441.075 Digital simplex per ARCC (25 kHz spacing)
  • 145.790

Below are the recommended simplex frequencies to be used with DMR in the United States and Canada. In addition to this information, please note the following radio configuration items:

Admit Criteria: For simplex operations please set this to “Always” when configuring a DMR radio

In Call Criteria: Please set to “TXI” or “Always” when configuring a radio for DMR simplex

441.0000 UHF 99 1 1
446.5000 UHF 99 1 1
446.0750 UHF 99 1 1
433.4500 UHF 99 1 1
145.7900 VHF 99 1 1
145.5100 VHF 99 1 1